Monday, December 6, 2010

Raptors Lose to Knicks by 31

The Raptors suffered a horrible 31 point loss to the Knicks on Sunday. New York's Amare Stoudemire lead his team with 31 points and the Knicks made 12 of 27 three-point attempts. “We didn’t do a very good job running them off the three-point line,” said Triano. “We just didn’t do a very good job covering them on the perimeter.” The Knick's put up 33 points, 12 of which were three-pointers, in the first quarter. Toronto got within 7 points  in the fourth quarter but never strung together enough defensive stops to really make a run.
The Knicks have won nine of 10 and seven straight on the road. Jerryd Bayless made five three-pointers and led Toronto with 23 points while Andrea Bargnani had a tough shooting day (8-19 from the floor) and had 22.
In my opinion, the Raptor's need to work on their defense a lot more in practice. They seem like their out there to score point for themselves. They don't seem to care about playing defence. The only player who actually hustled back on defence was Jose Calderon. The Raptor should not expect to win until they start helping Calderon out on defence.

Flash Stick Man

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Embrace Life - always wear your seat belt

The video starts with a family who appears to be playing charades. The father is pretending to drive a car while his wife and daughter laugh watching. Everyones having a good time, until the father takes his eyes of the imaginary road. When he turns back and looks at the imagenary road he makes a strange face as if he were about to be hit by something. The mother and daughter rush to the fathers aid. The daughter wraps her arms around the fathers waist and the mother wraps her arms over and under his shoulders.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Opinion: Don't Follow Your Dream

In this article, Harrison Solow talks about how todays generation thinks that they can get somewhere in life by just having a dream, and not working hard. "Everywhere you turn today, our children are urged to 'follow your dream.' It seems like a harmless, even inspiring bromide to motivate children to achievement." She mentions how those who achieved excellence in their fields did not just have a dream. They got up at 4 a.m. to practice on parallel bars or had to forgo other desirable activities and paths in order to get in six hours of violin practice a day, or stayed off the several million absurd writing advice blogs with their overheated little cliques that dispense useless regurgitated maxims and empty praise and decide to actually confront their thoughts on a page. She says that even our universities are filled with people who have dreams but no plans, desires but no talent, talent but no work ethic. Her final advise to all the dreamers is: Don't follow your dream. Do what it takes to earn it. To achieve it. To be worthy of it. Because if you don't, it will never, ever, really be yours.
At first I thought that this article was kind of depressing. I thought that she was trying to say "Dont bother working hard, because your dreams won't come true." As I read on I discovered that she was trying to say that your dream won't work for you. The dream is the goal and you have to work hard to achieve it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Very Funny Pepsi Commercial

The video starts with a shot of a oriental monastary. A small caucasian boy with a backpack approaches the front of the monastary and is let in by a monk. His head is shaved and he begins to learn the way of the monk. At first he struggles to complete his training and becomes disappointed by himself. Now the boy is much older and he is displaying his skills to the other monks. He karate chops bricks, breaks boards with his foot, and is even able to do several back hand springs. When the boy is finished displaying his skills, the monks each raise a celebratory can of Pepsi. The boy is lost as to what is going on so he grabs a can himself. in unison, the monks open the Pepsi and drink it together. The boy notices a mark on all of the monks' heads. Then he looks down at the Pepsi can and sees that it displays the same mark. So he puts two and two togetther and crushes the can with his head, thereby aquiring the same mark as the rest of the monks. When this is done all of the monks rush towards the boy and congradulate him.
I thought it was kind of weird to see a small white boy back packing across China all by himself. It would have made more sense if he were droped off there by someone because he was an orphan or something.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Bears defeat Bills with help from only Canadian on team

The Buffalo Bills faced off against the Chicago Bears last Sunday in an away game that took place in Toronto's Rogers Centre. As the only Canadian in the only NFL game north of the border this season Chicago's defensive end Idonije figured to find the spotlight by default, but the 29-year-old from Brandon, Manitoba earned every ounce of attention he received Sunday in Chicago’s 22-19 win over the Buffalo Bills. Idonije made a clutch play when he blocked the point after a touchdown attempt that would have tied the game. Idonije and his parents left their native Nigeria to move to Canada. He had never played organized football until grade 12, when a coach at Neelin High School talked him into joining the school’s brand new football team. Idonije claimed a spot in Chicago’s lineup as a special teamer, where his unusual size-speed combo helped him cover kicks, and where his height and disproportionately long arms helped him become the team’s premier kick blocker. Entering Sunday Idonije had blocked six field goals, converts and punts in his career, and collected his seventh at a critical time. “It’s a part of what we do on this team – block kicks,” said Idonije, who turns 30 later this month. “(Julius Peppers), great push to my right. I had the easiest part of the job, just getting my hand up.”

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Snack Attack Samurai

A man is standing in the middle of a weight room eating a bag of Doritos. One of the mans friends walks by and is offered some of the chips. The friend takes a handful and replies with a "Thanks". The man then says "No problem. I snuck these out of Tim's locker." The man's friend then spits the Doritos out of his mouth and says "This is bad. Tim loves Doritos." Now yelling "Hide these. "We've got to get out of here before...." Then out of nowhere comes a flying Dorito that ends up in the friends neck. The friend the whispers "Tim" and falls to the ground. The man looks at his friend on the ground and then turns his head to see Tim dressed in Samurai armour that is completely made of Doritos. The man is now screaming as Samurai Tim is running straight towards him.
I think that the point of this video was to show how protective people are of their Doritos. I have no ideal how they were able to make that Samurai dorito costume but it was amazing.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Uchimura defends All-around title

Japanese gymnast Kohei Uchimura was crowned World Champion for the second consecutive year over Germany’s Philipp Boy and the USA’s Jonathan Horton. The Japanese athlete put on a magnificent display of skill completely devoid of mistakes. Although suffering from a sore shoulder Uchimura appeared strong and consistent all throughout this event, having qualified far ahead of the field. Uchimura took the lead after rotation 4 and did not let it slip away from him after that. With high difficulty and artistry, the world’s leading gymnast proved his excellence yet again. He topped the ranking on Floor, came in second on Pommel Horse, Still Rings and Vault, third on Parallel Bars and fourth on Horizontal Bar.
I just have to say that Kohei Uchimura is a boss. He comes in to this competition with a gold medal from the previous championships, and an injured shoulder. You know your a boss when you can win under that kind of pressure and pain,10869,5187-188042-19728-44765-311073-18046-5233-layout188-205264-news-item,00.html

Bud Light Swear Jar

In this video a man in an office walks by a secretary and notices a priculiar looking jar on her desk. When he asks what the jar is for, the secretary responds by saying "Thats a swear jar. Every time someone swears you put in quarter in it." The man then asks "Who gets the money?" The secretary says "It is use to by something for the office. Like a case of Bud Light." The man the curses and put a quarter in the jar. All around the office people are greeting eachother with curse words. Some workers won't even respond if a swear word is not said. Even the owner of the company is doing his best to ensure that every sentence he says is filled with curses. All this to allow the swear jar to becomefilled with money. In the end all their swearing raised enough money to by the office a case of Bud Light.
There weren't any special effects in this video. Just some different shots of around the office. But what it lacked in special effects, it made up for in humor and origionality.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Canada awarded bronze after Nigerian fails dope test

A third Nigerian runner has failed a doping test at the Commonwealth Games and been stripped of two silver medals. Folashade Abugan tested positive for a steroid the morning after closing ceremony of the New Delhi event. She won silver medals in the 400 metre and 4x400 metre relay. The ruling elevatedEngland to the silver medal position in the relay and Canada the bronze. Two other Nigerian runners tested positive to a banned stimulant methylhexaneamine during the Games. Osayomi Oludamola was stripped of a gold medal in the women’s 100 metres and Samuel Okon, who was sixth in the final of the men’s 110-metre hurdles, was also disqualified. Nigerian officials at the Commonwealth Games said they were investigating the spate of doping findings. A Nigerian athletics official said every athlete who prepared for the New Delhi Games in Nigeria had undergone out-of-competition testing.
I think that it is very ignorant of thes athletes to use preformance inhancing drugs. It ruins the whole point of competion. It's supposed to be human VS. human, not drug VS. human. They are lucky to just be stripped of their medals and not banned from future competion.

2008 Superbowl Commercial, Doritos: "Mouse Trap"

In this commercial a man appears to come home from work with a bag of groceries. He puts the bag on the table and pulls out of it a bag of Doritos and a mouse trap. He then takes one of the nacho chips and cuts off a small piece that he inserts into the mouse trap as bait. He grabs the rest of the bag and chair, and waits infront of a mouse hole where he planted the trap. The man stares at the wall for a while and then desides to start eating the chips. Just as he pulls out a hand full of nachos, a gigantic man sized mouse breakes through the wall and tackles the man. The mouse then sits ontop of the man beating him vigorously.
I really liked how they ended the boring monotone commercial with something unexpected. The giant mouse was something completely origional.

Friday, October 15, 2010

MSNBC Pictures

  • The shark jumping out of the water frames the mountains in the backround
  • The shark creates a good sense of movement while flying though the air

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Italy Vs Serbia Match Suspended

In this video a Euro 2012 Qualifier game between Italy and Siberia was suspended do to rioting fans. Police officers entered the stadium, but could do little to stop the riot. The video shows fans throwing smoke bombs and flaming objects on to the field and in the stands. Thankfully fire fighters were sent in to put out those fires. Three men then climbed the railing that separates the field from the stands and started to egg the other fans on. The three men threw road flares and held up flags while the soccer players were warming up. It was not long before the soccer players and referies left the field.
I think that these men did an extremely stupid thing. They paided all that money for tickets to the game just so that they could start a riot and end up suspending the game. They do not even deserve to be called fans  because they have no respect for the game or the players.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Daniel Igali preaches wrestling gospel

In this article Canada's first Olympic and world champion wrestler Daniel Igali talks about his effort to build a wrestling program in his home country Nigeria. It was at the 1994 Commonwealth Games that Igali made the decision to leave the Nigerian team to stay in Canada. These days he spends nine months a year working with the Nigerian wrestling team,while still maintaining his home in Surrey, B.C. These Commonwealth games have been very productive for Daniel's athletes. They’ve collected two gold, two silver and six bronze medals with two day of competition remaining. He tells all his athletes that if they want to prepare for the Olympics, they have to start here. Igali's wrestlers show a lot of respect towards him. He says “They almost believe your word as God’s word, they know where you’re coming from. It carries a lot of respect. If you tell them to do 100 push-ups, they believe you so religously they do 110.”
I think that Damiel Igali is doing a great thing by going back to his native country to help there wrestlers. It really shows that he cares for the sport because he is doing all he can to make himself and others better.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Langur Monkeys at Common Wealth Games

Trained langur monkeys are being used to scarre off dogs, snkes, and even other monkeys. Langur monkeys are said to be very intelligent but also aggressive and territorial, making them very effective in keeping other animals away from a given area. These monkeys are also feared throughout Dehli. They had attacked the mayor in 2007, causing him to fall from his balcony to his death. There is a team of 10 monkeys, four of them will be posted outside the boxing complex with their handlers, while another four will patrol the hockey complex, two are on standby in case of of an emergency. The athletes do not seem to be bothered by the monkeys. Canadian field hockey player said "I thought they were OK, they were fine."
I think that it was a good ideal for them to use the Langur monkeys as a way of protecting the athletes form other harmfull animals. As long as these monkeys are kept under control, I think that the athletes will have a muck more comfortable stay in New Dehli.

Old Spice- Blocker:15

The video starts with a large muscular black man screamimg "old spice odor blocking bodywash". Then out of nowhere the word "odor" appears several time. The man then attacks the words and screams "Block!" as if he were a martial artist attcking a wooden board. He punches, left and right, up and down, and even throws in some elbows. He kicks, knees, and uses his but, all of this to destroy the word "odor". His head then enlarges to the point where it explods. After which the man goes right back to puching the words. When all the words are destroyed, the man screams that "old spice will block odor for 16 hours!!" as he flexes his pectorals.The video then cuts to an image of a clock that says "16 hours B.O. blocker". The video finishes with the clock exploding.
In the video they seemed to cram as much special effects as they could into the 18 seconds of content. As I mentioned before there were lots of explosions, floating words, and some crazy sound effects. I think that in the video they were trying to conivnce men that if they bought Old Spice they would look like and be as strong as the man in the commercial.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Magazine Cover 1

                                                              First I got a picture of the olympic logo, then I put that picture inside the text "Gymnastics Monthy". Then I magnetic lassoed seven male artisic gymnasts out of there origional photos and pasted them to my magazine cover. I did them same thing with the barcode. Then I changed the backround to a light blue instead of white. Finally I added the headers and the page numbers of the articles in the magazine.  

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years

In this article Google CEO Eric Schmidt describes how the internet will drastically change in the next five years. He begins by saying that the future internet will be dominated by Chinese-Language content. That todays teenagers model how the web will look like five years from now. He states that "Were starting to make significant money off of youtube." So we can expect even more video content on the web. Also, in five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in preformance.
I'm not really shocked by anything that Eric had to say. China has the highest population of any country in the world. It was only a matter of time before they had taken over the internet. And when it comes to the videos, of couse they would polute the web with more senless content just so they could make a few bucks. I agree with all of Mr. Schmidt's predictions.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Daft Punk- Technologic

The video starts with a small baby-like robot sitting in front of a television in a complete orange area. As he watches, words quickly flash on the TV screen and the robot says them aloud. The camera then zooms in on the robots face while he says the words on the television screen. Then the camera zooms out and two guitar bearing people appear. Soon after there are random shots of the area shown in quick bursts. In the end of the video the robot sees himself on the TV screen and approaches it.
The use of the robot was different and interesting, but still creepy.The all orange backround gave the video some energy.

Photoshop Lesson 14

Photoshop Lesson 13

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Adobe Ipod app

Adobe recently introduced a mobile photoshop for ipod application. The photoshop app allows consumers to conveiently edit photos, apply effects, and share images instantly with friends. The application is available free of charge at Apple's app store. Photoshop Mobile for iPhone provides a fun, seamless experience to view photos with full-screen previews and edit images with gesture-based editing. Consumers can transform their photos with essential edits like crop, rotate and flip. Users can play with colour by adjusting the saturation and tint, enhancing the exposure and vibrancy and converting images to black and white. I think that its amazing that we have come so far that we are able to use photoshop on our ipods. What makes it even more amazing is that its free on the iphone whereas you must pay for the Adobe program on your PC.

Photoshop Lesson 4

Photoshop Lesson 3

Monday, September 13, 2010

At The End of Young Street

In the video "At The End of Young Street" a man attempts to walk down Young street, which some say is the longest street in the world, while getting his picture taken every so often. After several days and hundreds of thousands of pictures later, the man arrives at the end of Young street. With a triumphant pump of his fist the man ends his journy and the video goes to credits. The camera man uses multiple photos rather than recording on a video camera to create a different sense of movement than that of a camera. I thought that the photos also created a time laps effect. The multiple photos seemed grab my attention better a regular video recording would have. That is probably why I enjoyed the video so much.

Photoshop Lesson 2

Photoshop Lesson 1

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tv violence

The article I read about increasingly violent television briefly states that every year more and more violence seems to make its way onto our TV screens without us even knowing. Some people, mostly parents, believe that gradually increasing ones exposier to violence will make all forms of abuse seem less and less intense, causing children watching these shows to become more violent towards others. Others believe that it is the parents responsibility to monitor the childs television watch thereby prohibiting the exposier to violence. I seem to find my self opposing the parents oppion. It is the parents duty to prevent their children from watching these shows, not the networks.