Sunday, October 24, 2010

Uchimura defends All-around title

Japanese gymnast Kohei Uchimura was crowned World Champion for the second consecutive year over Germany’s Philipp Boy and the USA’s Jonathan Horton. The Japanese athlete put on a magnificent display of skill completely devoid of mistakes. Although suffering from a sore shoulder Uchimura appeared strong and consistent all throughout this event, having qualified far ahead of the field. Uchimura took the lead after rotation 4 and did not let it slip away from him after that. With high difficulty and artistry, the world’s leading gymnast proved his excellence yet again. He topped the ranking on Floor, came in second on Pommel Horse, Still Rings and Vault, third on Parallel Bars and fourth on Horizontal Bar.
I just have to say that Kohei Uchimura is a boss. He comes in to this competition with a gold medal from the previous championships, and an injured shoulder. You know your a boss when you can win under that kind of pressure and pain,10869,5187-188042-19728-44765-311073-18046-5233-layout188-205264-news-item,00.html

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