Sunday, October 31, 2010

Snack Attack Samurai

A man is standing in the middle of a weight room eating a bag of Doritos. One of the mans friends walks by and is offered some of the chips. The friend takes a handful and replies with a "Thanks". The man then says "No problem. I snuck these out of Tim's locker." The man's friend then spits the Doritos out of his mouth and says "This is bad. Tim loves Doritos." Now yelling "Hide these. "We've got to get out of here before...." Then out of nowhere comes a flying Dorito that ends up in the friends neck. The friend the whispers "Tim" and falls to the ground. The man looks at his friend on the ground and then turns his head to see Tim dressed in Samurai armour that is completely made of Doritos. The man is now screaming as Samurai Tim is running straight towards him.
I think that the point of this video was to show how protective people are of their Doritos. I have no ideal how they were able to make that Samurai dorito costume but it was amazing.

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