Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bud Light Swear Jar

In this video a man in an office walks by a secretary and notices a priculiar looking jar on her desk. When he asks what the jar is for, the secretary responds by saying "Thats a swear jar. Every time someone swears you put in quarter in it." The man then asks "Who gets the money?" The secretary says "It is use to by something for the office. Like a case of Bud Light." The man the curses and put a quarter in the jar. All around the office people are greeting eachother with curse words. Some workers won't even respond if a swear word is not said. Even the owner of the company is doing his best to ensure that every sentence he says is filled with curses. All this to allow the swear jar to becomefilled with money. In the end all their swearing raised enough money to by the office a case of Bud Light.
There weren't any special effects in this video. Just some different shots of around the office. But what it lacked in special effects, it made up for in humor and origionality.

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