Sunday, October 3, 2010

Old Spice- Blocker:15

The video starts with a large muscular black man screamimg "old spice odor blocking bodywash". Then out of nowhere the word "odor" appears several time. The man then attacks the words and screams "Block!" as if he were a martial artist attcking a wooden board. He punches, left and right, up and down, and even throws in some elbows. He kicks, knees, and uses his but, all of this to destroy the word "odor". His head then enlarges to the point where it explods. After which the man goes right back to puching the words. When all the words are destroyed, the man screams that "old spice will block odor for 16 hours!!" as he flexes his pectorals.The video then cuts to an image of a clock that says "16 hours B.O. blocker". The video finishes with the clock exploding.
In the video they seemed to cram as much special effects as they could into the 18 seconds of content. As I mentioned before there were lots of explosions, floating words, and some crazy sound effects. I think that in the video they were trying to conivnce men that if they bought Old Spice they would look like and be as strong as the man in the commercial.

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