Sunday, September 26, 2010

What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years

In this article Google CEO Eric Schmidt describes how the internet will drastically change in the next five years. He begins by saying that the future internet will be dominated by Chinese-Language content. That todays teenagers model how the web will look like five years from now. He states that "Were starting to make significant money off of youtube." So we can expect even more video content on the web. Also, in five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in preformance.
I'm not really shocked by anything that Eric had to say. China has the highest population of any country in the world. It was only a matter of time before they had taken over the internet. And when it comes to the videos, of couse they would polute the web with more senless content just so they could make a few bucks. I agree with all of Mr. Schmidt's predictions.

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