Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Very Funny Pepsi Commercial

The video starts with a shot of a oriental monastary. A small caucasian boy with a backpack approaches the front of the monastary and is let in by a monk. His head is shaved and he begins to learn the way of the monk. At first he struggles to complete his training and becomes disappointed by himself. Now the boy is much older and he is displaying his skills to the other monks. He karate chops bricks, breaks boards with his foot, and is even able to do several back hand springs. When the boy is finished displaying his skills, the monks each raise a celebratory can of Pepsi. The boy is lost as to what is going on so he grabs a can himself. in unison, the monks open the Pepsi and drink it together. The boy notices a mark on all of the monks' heads. Then he looks down at the Pepsi can and sees that it displays the same mark. So he puts two and two togetther and crushes the can with his head, thereby aquiring the same mark as the rest of the monks. When this is done all of the monks rush towards the boy and congradulate him.
I thought it was kind of weird to see a small white boy back packing across China all by himself. It would have made more sense if he were droped off there by someone because he was an orphan or something.

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