Thursday, November 18, 2010

Opinion: Don't Follow Your Dream

In this article, Harrison Solow talks about how todays generation thinks that they can get somewhere in life by just having a dream, and not working hard. "Everywhere you turn today, our children are urged to 'follow your dream.' It seems like a harmless, even inspiring bromide to motivate children to achievement." She mentions how those who achieved excellence in their fields did not just have a dream. They got up at 4 a.m. to practice on parallel bars or had to forgo other desirable activities and paths in order to get in six hours of violin practice a day, or stayed off the several million absurd writing advice blogs with their overheated little cliques that dispense useless regurgitated maxims and empty praise and decide to actually confront their thoughts on a page. She says that even our universities are filled with people who have dreams but no plans, desires but no talent, talent but no work ethic. Her final advise to all the dreamers is: Don't follow your dream. Do what it takes to earn it. To achieve it. To be worthy of it. Because if you don't, it will never, ever, really be yours.
At first I thought that this article was kind of depressing. I thought that she was trying to say "Dont bother working hard, because your dreams won't come true." As I read on I discovered that she was trying to say that your dream won't work for you. The dream is the goal and you have to work hard to achieve it.

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