Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Letter and Collage

Dear Me in Grade 9,

Expect high school to be a lot harder than you think it will be. Classes are harder, homework is longer, and spare time slips away. Academic courses get much harder over the years, so i would recomend that you drop down to applied in some subjects. As far as athletics goes, you won't be able to play several sports anymore. You should pick the won that you excell at the most and just focus on it.

Now back to academics. Never leave projects to the last day. if you do, don't expect to get any thing better than a 60. And just so you know, not a lot of universities except 60's. You must organize your schedual and make time for all your assignments if you wish to obtain an 80 percent average. There will be no time to sit on the couch and watch TV after school. All of your time will be devoted to training for whatever sport you choose along with your tremendous amount of homework.

I chose the boy carying the books because it represents tha large amount of homework in grade 11.
I chose the track athlete because it represents the single sport that i will do in hight school.

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